Sunday 17 January 2016

Hard news is not news

 In 21st century the newspaper has relied on technology for shape of news it publishes. The introduction of new technology has totally changed the way of journalism, television and radio has dictated the structure shape to a large extent.
I argue that the use of the inverted pyramid style  is not considered in online journalism since they write and publish news without following the journalistic way of publishing news because anyone can publish news through media and people read them easy because they see it is the simple way of getting news rather than buying a newspaper and read. 
Inverted pyramid has been the style we practiced centuries ago and the so called hard news is about to die. At the best it will become a cultural object displayed only in the mildewed pages of provincial rag sheets whatever remained in the inverted pyramid will be refurbished with telling detail delivered from enhanced prose and a context.
 Before burying the inverted pyramid it is fair to give it a well deserved eulogy. The inverted pyramid was born soon after the commercialization of the telegraph. To save costs editors instructed correspondents to go straight to the point telling the most important parts of the story first and allowing the story to taper to its important of insignificance.
This cause most of sub-editors to be lazy if a story was too long for the allocated slot and sub-editors could cut the last paragraphs and first few paragraphs written to answer the six questions or the 5Ws and H (what, who, where, when, why, and how) this helps to give readers the most critical beats of information quickly so they can move to another story.
The most important information came in the lead which summarized the story; the second paragraph supported the lead by explaining it or providing information or a direct quotation. The third or fourth offered some addition important information.
The next paragraph or might be the last one  it offered the addition important information and the final section consisted of any number of paragraphs and contain what a reporter as dispensable information that the sub-editor can cut off.
The new technology has shape the news to different view since nowadays journalism has become like not a professional because a lot of people publish news in internet and people read the news without knowing it is true or not and through internet you can get different news so that people take the advantage that when you have smart phone or internet access you can get news so there is no need of buying a newspaper they see like it will take time for them to get news early and sometime seems like buying newspaper is cost full than reading it online.
The technology has been affecting the rate of newspaper  buying so it costs people who sell  newspaper because they read them online and this cause them not to buy the news papers and this became the problem to sellers because they don’t get what they demand.
The central argument of the author in this article is that he believes that inverted pyramid was applied in way back because nowadays online journalism has become the obstacle of development of inverted pyramid because people who write do not follow the process of writing and this affect the journalism professional since writers do not follow the 5Ws and H when writing their stories this cause the editors also to be lazy because they don’t do their work responsibly because the 5WsPLUS H has become useless.
One competing argument against the inverted pyramid which relies on reporter’s orientation and interest rather than a need and interest of the reader is based on recent finding in linguistics known as “relevant theory” this theory distinguish what readers want from what they read.
“Readers wants the greatest contextual effect they want most surprising or mind-bending or hunch- confirming  information packaged so that it can be read easily” ( write Klement and Matalene 1998,p.1) Many newspaper now favor the emerging form of media writing because the style holds the wider appeal to a larger audience while hard news attracts readers interested in the particular event example sports, international, business and national news readers likes different news in newspapers you will find people who concentrate in sports news only so they buy news paper because of the sports news only while others read both news or whatever.
Furthermore I agree with the author because it is true that technology has changed the total way of newspaper. News will be news written in the respect sand swiftness of time, to competing media, the thirst of the modern public for visual and intellectual as against cold magisterial “facts” supplied in the form of hard news. Every journalist must learn how to write well, how to tell story, how to conquer words and structures how to please and how to satisfy people in the society.

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