Sunday 17 January 2016

Murdochs speech

Internet is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities consisting interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols. Internet has brought a lot of changes in the world and these changes makes people live and use internet as the part of their lives.
The following are some of changes which brought by internet in the modern world:

The first change brought by internet in the modern world is in communication, this is to say that a way back people used different means of communication to communicate each other such as letters, whereby people were supposed to wait for reply and that was a very difficult way to communicate but now a days we communicate through text message, emails, video chat and social media.

Another change brought by internet in the modern world is in research in this case we can see how easy it is to do research of something that the way it used to be since now a days we have Google, Wikipedia and websites, it is very helpful for searching different things for fast results and it’s very easy to learn about different fields and get the full information.

The other change made by internet in the modern world is in news and weather, here we see that way back we used clouds to be aware that it will rain and to it was hard to know if there are different disaster coming such as floods and other disasters. Now days we can see through internet and in media that what is going on in the weather it’s easy to find news about the weather.

There is other change which is education, in education we can see that way back it was hard to get a degree education because of different obstacles such as transport and other obstacles but now it’s easy to get a degree, masters or doctorate when you are at home or anywhere else because there is online education since you can apply any university you wish to study your degree or something through online.

Also the other change is in job searching, in this case we can see it was hard to search for a job those times but now it’s easy to find a job or to get a job opportunity through online or internet because you find different job opportunity in online advertisement and you Can apply online and get the job you are asking for.

The newspaper has been affected by the advert of internet since newspaper seems like delaying news while people can search everything online and can get news through internet and media such as television radio and online so that people think they waste their time to buy hard copy and read while they can read online and in people’s blogs. Example Murdoch says... “In this spirit we’re now turning to the internet. Today the newspaper is just a paper. Tomorrow it can be a destination”.

Murdock suggestions to the newspaper editors to meet challenges brought by internet is to deliver the way consumers want to receive it before they can apply their competitive advantages they can free their minds and start thinking like their newest consumers. They should invest their printed papers so they remain an important part of their reader’s daily lives.

The Murdock views are very relevant to Tanzania since internet is everything here people get news from websites Google blogs and online, news papers are just there but few people trying to buy newspaper and read but most of us we are affected with the use internet because we use internet to find news and different updates so most of people in Tanzania uses internet as the source of their information and other things like entertainment banking and many things. The use of news papers has become disappeared day after day because of internet because internet simplifies everything.

News paper industry face different challenges in Tanzania, the following are some of challenges:
 The sales drop daily, this because people prefer to use internet than reading news in the newspapers, this cause the market of newspaper to drop at large it cost the owner of newspaper face the challenge of paying the journalists to write stories and report the news because they are not paid what they demand compare to what they do. To collect news it’s not an easy task so that journalists must be paid enough salary.

The coming of television is also another challenge facing newspaper because since the coming of television people depends to get news from television where they can get national news international news business and sports news so that they don’t see the important of newspapers while there is television.
Another challenge facing newspaper industry is competition between them selves where by others sells much than the rest and you find this competition cause others to seem like they are in low quality.


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